
About: Michelle Gillies

No, I don't make silk purses. As a broadcast TV Producer, I have built up a reputation for being able to make something exceptional from very limited resources. You know...silk purse, sow's ear. My blog is kind of the bits and pieces of the sow's ear that make up the silk purse that is Me. You can read more at https://silkpurseproductions.wordpress.com/

Posts by Michelle Gillies:

Older Posts »

The Hype Theory


Life with Alegria

Finding joy in the journey AND the destination

50 Shades of Gray Hair

We all have roots and I'm exposing mine!

Tom Lucas


Remrov's Artwork

Montreal based autistic artist

t r e f o l o g y

all questions answered all answers questioned

Margaret and Helen

Best Friends for Sixty Years and Counting...

I'll know it when I write it

I'm learning how to organize thoughts and words. Sometimes, that just looks like a hockey fight.

Journey of a UTM Lad

by Arian J. Salari

upside of sideways

embrace life :: explore design :: live simply :: laugh loud


The blog for those without a Blog

Wayne Paget

This blog is dedicated to my life as a photographer. I am a Denturist by trade, and a hobbyist photographer. I will be travelling to Nunavut to combine these aspects of my life. In 2015 I will document my travel experiences and the making of dentures for our Inuit communities.

You've Been Hooked!

Observations from the trenches....